Learn useful ways for creating a bond and connection - regardless of whether you are in sales, service or any other role that involves person to person contact.
What is Rapport and why is it necessary?
• Rapport means relationship
• Long term rapport and short term rapport
• Building rapport with someone in any job helps you achieve your goals quicker
Rapport Don'ts:
• Not introducing who you are
• Looking disinterested or being distracted by something
• Not engaging in conversation
• Suspicious of you
• Not caring
• Over talking to someone in a rush
1. Use Basic Greeting
• Say your name
• Good morning/afternoon
• Shake hands
• Welcome them
2. Use Positive Body Language
• Eye contact
• Smiling
• Facial expressions
3. Get Them Talking
• Get them talking about themselves
• Statement and follow up question - ie. "You're in Sydney. What's the weather like up there?"
• Show interest
4. Generate Trust
• Showing empathy or understanding
• Self disclose - saying something about yourself
• Deliver on any promises you make
5. Be Helpful
• Anticipate a need someone may have
• Offering assistance
6. Be Flexible in How You Communicate
• Change your communication according to the other person
• Identify if they are a people person or a task type person
• NLP - each person has a preferred style of taking in information
Challenging Rapport Situations:
• Disliking the person you need to build rapport with
• Made a mistake or late and the other person is angry
• Ending a conversation quickly
• Dealing with someone who is upset or emotional
• Sustaining rapport
- Managers
- All staff
- English
- Interview